What is 5a-Hydroxy Laxogenin?
October 18, 2016
Derived from plants, this ingredient is essentially an anabolic building block which your body uses as a blueprint to create its own anabolics. Laxogenin supports increased protein synthesis and nitrogen retention, while promoting other anabolic effects such as increased strength, muscle endurance, muscle recovery, and lean muscle mass. Additionally, Laxogenin aids in controlling the stress hormone cortisol, which when out of balance, can increase fat and muscle wasting.
Laxogenin does not require a cycle support as it is not liver toxic and does not cause the user's blood pressure to fluctuate. Laxogenin can be cycled for a period of 4, 8, or 12 weeks before having to cycle off for 4 weeks.
Posted in News By Element Nutraceuticals